Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Motor TPL verification

French translation:

vérification (de l'assurance) automobile en responsabilité civile vis-à-vis de tiers

Added to glossary by Mindaugas Vasinauskas
Sep 25, 2008 09:10
16 yrs ago
English term

Motor TPL verification

English to French Law/Patents Insurance
Name of a certificate confirming that a person was insured by the company and had no accidents.

Proposed translations

30 mins

vérification (de l'assurance) automobile en responsabilité civile vis-à-vis de tiers

TPL = third party liability
Peer comment(s):

agree Cecilia Divett : ou attestation
3 mins
25 mins
agree kashew
1 hr
neutral Didier Martiny : N'est-ce pas redondant? Il me semble que la RC couvre par définition les dommages aux tiers. Sinon, on parle de dégâts matériels en assurance auto
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci!"
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