Glossary entry

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French translation:


Dec 20, 2001 15:46
23 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term


Non-PRO English to French Other Indian administration
India. A local government official who apparently can issue orders for the release of people interned in refugee camps. Hardly compatible with tax collecting!
However, the previous lines mention a "tahsildar", i.e., "a collector for, or official of, the revenue department."

Proposed translations

7 mins



SYLLABICATION: tah·sil·dar
VARIANT FORMS: also tah·seel·dar
NOUN: A district official in India in charge of revenues and taxation.
ETYMOLOGY: Urdu tasldr, from Persian : tal, collection, revenue (from Arabic, infinitive of aala, to acquire,
collect, derived stem of aala, to occur, obtain; see l in Appendix II) + -dr, having; see dher- in Appendix I.

A district official in India in charge of revenues and taxation

Note added at 2001-12-20 15:55:45 (GMT)

En français ce pourrait être un responsable régional du revenu et de l'imposition
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
19 mins

officier de liaison ?

In India, A collector makes the administration work like it is supposed to .
See artcile on link below.

Note added at 2001-12-20 16:13:54 (GMT)

Is is, after all, the tay collector, but he has many other duties:
Tahsildar is the head of the Tahsil Office. The tahsildar also plays an important role as Taluka Executive Magistrate particularly for handling law and order problem. The Tahsildar has quasi judicial powers under Maharashtra Land Revenue Code and the Mamlatdars court Act.
He issues the following certificates.
 Solvency certificate
 Income certificate
 Age & Domicile certificate
 Senior Citizenship certificate
 Issue and Renewal of Eating House Licenses
 Issue of certified copies of Record of Rights
 Mineral and Mines Licenses
 Initial security of application for case certificates
 Issue of Ration cards etc

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1 hr


In France the official who used to be known as "le percepteur" (tax collector) now has the grand title of Receveur. I am sure an Indian official would love being addressed as "Receveur Régional" or something similar. The basic meaning is the same as "collector". Just a suggestion.
I often translate Letters from Indian officials to Partage (a French NGO) and the number of titles is amazing.

Work for NGO

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