This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Nov 16, 2013 09:31
11 yrs ago
English term


English to Georgian Science Medical: Pharmaceuticals კლინიკური
No randomised controlled trial found any significant differences between any of the regimens in terms of overall survival.


Tamar Shanidze (asker) Nov 21, 2013:
Thank you for the suggested translation.
"გადარჩენის საერთო მაჩვენებელი" was selected from other source.

Proposed translations

13 hrs

ტოტალური თავისდაღწევა კიბოდან

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12 days

საერთო გადარჩენა, გადარჩენის საერთო ხარისხი

in terms of overall survival - საერთო გადარჩენის მხრივ
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