Aug 16, 2004 13:51
20 yrs ago
English term

Sleeve up to tang

English to German Tech/Engineering Engineering (general)
It is about a machine which is winding wire around metall bits .
Whole paragraph reads: During the coil winding the gripper sleeve extends for a programmed number of tangs
Proposed translations (German)
3 anschlusslasche
2 Angel/ Erl


John Jory Aug 20, 2004:
No pictures visible.
BTW: The correct term for what you call 'pallet' is 'armature' (Anker). Aug 19, 2004:
The links you provided (pics) were what this machine does. It actually winds and wraps the wires arround the pallet (anchor). The original text was italian-english. But the italian doesn t make any sense either according to a native speaker. You can programm the machine with the direction of the windings wire breaks no of turns and so on unfortunately i only have a hardcopy of the document. but i will post some scanned pages under
John Jory Aug 19, 2004:
At present, I am practically flying blind. For example, I have the suspicion that what you call 'Ummantelung' might simply be the insulating lacquer of the wires. If you do not want to reveal your text here, simply send me an e-mail with the info.
John Jory Aug 19, 2004:
What precisely does the sleeve gripper do? Is your English text of Asian origin (might be important with respect to the use of words)? Please give more context (sentences), and try to answer my previous questions. Was the link in my posting of any use? Aug 18, 2004:
Could I use Ummantelung bis zum Anschlusst�ck? I have to give a try to the sleeve bit as well Aug 17, 2004:
That is the right thread Wire sensors for tang termination in dynamo-electric machine manufacturing systems

John Jory Aug 16, 2004:
What is an 'anchor type pallet'? And are the 'bits' just pieces or are they drill bits (which also happen to have a tang).
John Jory Aug 16, 2004:
Perhaps I'm on the right track. Please check the link, and let us know if there is anything (apart from the terms 'tang, gripper, and wire') that fitsin with your context. Aug 16, 2004:
How about this additional information it is a pallet. Not an ordinary one but the anchor type pallet. T-shaped bits. Yes sometimes in the operation of the machine they refer to the tang and the winding process arround the T-shaped bits again.
John Jory Aug 16, 2004:
Is the word 'tang' used anywhere in a later part of the text ?
Brainstorm Aug 16, 2004:
The context is rather meager, but how about this for starters:
tang - a projecting point or prong on a chisel, file, knife, etc. that fits into a handle, shaft, etc.

Proposed translations

1 day 18 hrs


Please see the the picture below, and let me know if that is you 'T' shaped part:

If so, the next picture shows the tangs (the bent 'terminals' at the end of the copper segments)

If all of this fits your context, 'Anschlusslasche' should be OK.

Note added at 1 day 18 hrs 16 mins (2004-08-18 08:08:27 GMT)

The direct links don\'t work.
Here\'s one that works. The pictures are towards the end. Click them for an enlargement.
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for your help in this matter. It didnt quite work for my translation. But thats probably because I couldnt explain it any better"
3 hrs

Angel/ Erl

Angel, Erl - tang
The tail of a blade, serves to fasten the handles. Perhaps this term can also be used here.
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