Jan 17, 2002 13:02
22 yrs ago
English term

fillet strap/string

English to German Other horse riding
This is part of a horse blanket:
"Cross surcingels, fillet strap and safety side release clips."
Many thanks.
Proposed translations (German)
4 Schweifriemen

Proposed translations

49 mins


"Schweifriemen nennt man jenen Riemen, der vom Sattel aus über die Kruppe des Pferdes bis zum Schweif und unter der Schweifrübe
hindurch reicht. Er verhindert das Rutschen des Sattels nach vorne."

Fillet string (or strap) is also the part that goes under the horses' tail.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks! Regards, Ute"
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