Feb 27, 2001 08:40
24 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

"S", "F"

Non-PRO English to German Other
College transcript. In one line, it says:

"Attempted Earned S F Grade Pts G.P.Average"

I am interested in what exactly "S" and "F" stand for (in the column under "S" and "F" you can find entries such as "2.00" or "0.00".
Proposed translations (German)
0 Satisfactory / Failed

Proposed translations

45 mins

Satisfactory / Failed

S should stand for satifisfactory (could possbily be equated with zufriedenstellend), F for Failed (could be equated with mangelhaft).
Since you indicate that a number such as 0.00 appears under the F, it makes some sense that the F does stand for failed (you don't get points for a course you fail).

Check out these sites (or many others that will pop up if you search on "grade point" or "grade point average").
UC Berkeley Grade Definitions
A Excellent

B Good

C Fair

D Barely Passed

F Failed

P Passed at a minimum level of C-

NP Not Passed

S Satisfactory or passed at a minimum level of B-

U Unsatisfactory

I Work incomplete, due to circumstances beyond the student's control, but of passing quality; not included in grade-point computation after Fall 1973.

IP Work in progress; final grade to be assigned upon completion of entire course sequence.

NR Temporary administrative grade; not included in grade-point computation

Grade points are assigned on a four point basis: A, 4 points per unit; B, 3 points per unit; C, 2 points per unit; D, 1 point per unit; F and I, zero points. Plus or minus suffixes modify the above by plus or minus 0.3 grade point per unit, with the exception of the A+ grade which is assigned 4 points per unit.
Requirements for a bachelor's degree, with the exception of certain programs in Engineering, include the accumulation of baccalaureate credit for a minimum of 180 quarter units with an average of at least C (grade point average of at least 2.0). A course at UCI normally offers four quarter units of credit, and, in the following text, the term "course" may be understood to carry four units. The grade point average is the sum of all accumulated grade points (grade points earned in a course taken for a letter grade times the unit value of the course) divided by the sum of all units attempted. P, NP, S, U, NR, IP, and I grades, as well as workload credit, are excluded in computing grade point average.

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