This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Oct 4, 2003 09:31
21 yrs ago
English term

spar machine

English to German Tech/Engineering
The task of this circuit is to create a constant 12 V direct current from a variable amplitude and frequency of alternating quality, in order to achieve a stable onboard supply on the spar machines.

Sadly I have no more context where the term "spar machines" appears.
Proposed translations (German)
3 Zuendanlage
1 A name?

Discussion Oct 4, 2003:
Sorry, that's all I have, but maybe this helps: The area of application for this product is to be the Rapid single-axle tractors of the "Mondo" series. The energy supply is via a generator that is driven by a combustion engine, which is also the drive unit.
David Moore (X) Oct 4, 2003:
Sorry; like what industry they are used in....
David Moore (X) Oct 4, 2003:
A little more background, like what machines they are might help....

Proposed translations

54 mins

A name? in "*S*par"?

The only references I can find to "spar machines" are to machines used for cutting spars, e.g. cross-spars for telephone poles or for boats' masts. And these are in the US.

Note added at 2003-10-04 10:28:58 (GMT)

I\'ve scanned the Mondo web-site, and it doesn\'t seem to give any indication of the need for an on-board power supply. If it were a motor-bike, then it might be a current smoother in the line to powering the lights, but here - well, I\'ve no clue!

Note added at 2003-10-05 14:24:21 (GMT)

Another possibility MIGHT be a Typo for \"spur machine\". I\'m still not at all confident; but isn\'t a spur machine sometimes used to drive something else - as an accessory could be a possibility?
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2 hrs


Koennte es sein, dass es eigentlich "spark machine" stehen sollte, was, sagen wir, die Anlage die die Zuendkerzen mit Strom versorgt, ist?
Peer comment(s):

neutral David Moore (X) : I wish I could agree here, but in BE, I've never, ever, heard one called a "spark machine"
1 day 1 hr
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