Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

power closure

German translation:


Jul 10, 2001 16:14
23 yrs ago
English term

power closure

Non-PRO English to German Tech/Engineering
automotive interior
Thanks for any help
Proposed translations (German)
0 Zentralschließsystem
0 Automatischer Verschluß

Proposed translations

13 mins


or Komfortschaltung
(Automatically closes doors, windows and sunroof; not to be confused with the usual central locking systems)

Again, per Schmitt, Kfz-Technik (incl. the definition).

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: " Zentralschliessystem sounds great. Thanks to both answerers!"
13 mins

Automatischer Verschluß

automatisches Zuschließen
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