Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

religion's horror

Greek translation:

Θρησκευτικός Τρόμος

Added to glossary by Betty Revelioti
Jan 23, 2002 10:10
23 yrs ago
English term

religion's horror

Non-PRO English to Greek Other
how do you say religion's horror in greek?


Irene Blatza Jan 23, 2002:
Please, send us the whole sentence

Proposed translations

29 mins

Θρησκευτικός Τρόμος

religion's horror = Θρησκευτικός Τρόμος = thriskeftiko's tro'mos

religion = θρησκεία = thriski'a
horror = (alarm)τρόμος-tro'mos, (abhorence)απέχθεια-ape'htia, (of battle, worfare)φρίκη-fri'ki

If you want you can provide me with some more context in order to understand what exactly this means.
Peer comment(s):

agree Abba Storgen (X)
4 hrs
thank you!
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
33 mins

φρίκη της θρησκείας

This is a verbatim translation since you don't give any context. It could also be "τρόμος της θρησκείας", depending on the context.
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