Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
housed the sun
Indonesian translation:
mendahului matahari
English term
housed the sun
3 | mendahului matahari |
Vincentius Mariatmo
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5 | menangui matahari |
Arfan Achyar
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5 | melingkupi matahari |
Wiyanto Suroso
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3 | kubah pelindung |
Adhi Henoch
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Nov 26, 2009 06:41: Vincentius Mariatmo changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1133777">Aditya Ikhsan Prasiddha's</a> old entry - "housed the sun"" to ""mendahului matahari""
Proposed translations
mendahului matahari simulations show that in 10,500 BC the constellation of Leo *housed the sun* on the spring equinox - i.e. an hour before dawn in that epoch Leo would have reclined due east along the horizon in the place where the sun would soon rise.
Pengertian Equinox sendiri dapat dilihat pada link di bawah ini:
Semoga membantu :D
menangui matahari
melingkupi matahari
hmmm maaf sepertinya kurang tepat ya. kalau melingkupi kesannya menutupi secara keseluruhan, sedangkan tidak mungkin rasi bintang menutupi keseluruhan matahari. thanks tapi ya, mas. |
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