Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Latin translation:

Salve (singular) Salvete (plural)

Added to glossary by Jonathan Spector
Jan 27, 2003 19:13
22 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Latin Other
welcoming someone to a place

Proposed translations

18 mins

Salve (singular) Salvete (plural)

This word is the greeting form for salveo, to be in good health, translated as Hail! or Good Day! I(t is classical Latin; there may be another word in Church Latin.
Peer comment(s):

33 mins
agree alszeg
1 hr
agree Joseph Brazauskas
19 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
12 mins

bene venitus



Note added at 2003-01-27 19:47:55 (GMT)

I agree with Jonathan Spector that you probably wouldn\'t have heard \"bene venitus\" in classical times in Rome. The general greeting, also when welcoming someone into your house, probably was salve / salvete;
but if you really want to stress the welcome-aspect above the mere greeting, you might say \"hospitio receptus sis\" (be received with hospitality)
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agree cillegio
1 hr
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