This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Feb 22, 2005 12:22
20 yrs ago
English term


English to Latvian Other Cooking / Culinary
Feijoa jam

Any ideas how it can be in Latvian?
I can't find "feihoa" anywere.
Proposed translations (Latvian)
5 +2 guava
4 +1 gvajave
3 feijoa
3 -1 Brazīlijas gvajave

Discussion Feb 28, 2005:
THANKS Thanks to everybody. I've learned a lot about guava (which I new myself), but I haven't got an answer about feijoa... Feb 22, 2005:
Any other ideas? I have a text were both guava (Psidium guajava)and feijoa (feijoa sellowiana) are mentioned.

Proposed translations

20 mins


Austras koments par latinisko pilnigi pareizs
Peer comment(s):

agree Austra Muizniece : ja jau vardnica ta saka, tad jau laikam taa buus:)
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
21 mins

Brazīlijas gvajave

Varbūt var iztikt bez "Brazīlijas".

Note added at 2 hrs 56 mins (2005-02-22 15:18:42 GMT)

vēl viena vieta:
Tad varbūt tomēr jāatstāj tas Brazīlijas, lai atšķirtu no parastās \"guava\"...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Austra Muizniece : naij, braziilijas gvajave taa nav, tai latiiniskais nosaukums cits - Psidium guineense.
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 hrs


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9 mins


AFAIK, "feijoa" is the first part of Latin name for " Pineapple guava" . In Latvian "guava" is normally used. Plants/Myrtaceae/Feijoa_sellowiana.html

Feijoa. Feijoa sellowiana. aka Pineapple Guava. 2-4" long, green skinned fruit with
creamy off-white flesh having an excellent, aromatic minty-guava flavor. ...

Pineapple Guava; Feijoa (Feijoa sellowiana). Categories: ...
Guava Feijoa Feijoa Sellowiana. The fruit is oblong or slightly cilindrical,
4 to 6 cm long and 3 to 4cm wide, with the persistent ...

.. Pineapple guava (Feijoa sellowiana) is also native to South America, and has
fleshy, strong-scented berries with a subtle pineapple flavor. ...

Note added at 53 mins (2005-02-22 13:15:51 GMT)

Varbuut oficiala tulkojuma nemaz nav.

Veel viens links no, kur arii mineeta guava

Tas pats paraadaas arii, kas gan diez vai ir izcili uzticams avots. Vel ir tresais avots - CityMarket:),kur es tos fruktus regulari perku. Ka jau labi saprotat, tas nu ir galigi neuzticams avots:). Gvajavi gan neesmu nekur maniijusi.

Note added at 5 days (2005-02-28 09:33:26 GMT)

Sazinajos ar pazistamu botaanikji.Ar feijoa, izraadaas, ir taa:

\" Ar Feijoa
>sellowiana lieta ir vienkaarsha-shim augam jau Augstaako augu
>sistemaatikas graamataa, kaa ari Latvijas padomju enciklopeedijaa ir
>lietots nosaukums ****Urugvajas feihoja.*****\"
Par psidium gvajave sis nevareeja uzreiz atbildeet un teica, ka lieta sarezhgjiitaaka.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ines Burrell
1 min
agree Baltic Media (X) :
8 mins
neutral Renu : Jumavas Svešvārdu vārdnīca piedāvā gvajavi (miršu dzimtas augļu koks, bla bla)
2 hrs
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