Mar 2, 2010 15:55
15 yrs ago
English term

mortgage derivative

GBK English to Macedonian Bus/Financial Investment / Securities
Definition from :
Security that generates income for the investor from the payments of principal and interest on the underlying pool of mortgages. Mortgage backed securities and mortgaged backed passthrough securities are mortgage derivates.
Example sentences:
This National Association of Securities Dealers arbitration involved suitability, excessive trading, and markup claims stemming from mortgage derivative security sales to a not-for-profit community hospital. (
A mortgage derivative is an investment product that really increase returns when things go well, and REALLY rack up loses when things don’t. (
The holders of these mortgage derivatives are spread out among many buyers, who buy huge chunks at a set risk and return. There is now way these can be reset to help the defaulting mortgages. (
Change log

Mar 2, 2010 15:00: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Mar 2, 2010 15:55: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Mar 5, 2010 16:57: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

May 1, 2010 16:55:

Proposed translations

2 days 4 hrs

хипотекарни деривати

Example sentences:
Неизбежно, ликвидноста пресуши. Цели пазари буквално исчезнаа преку ноќ: колатерализирани обврски за долг и трампи (ЦДО и ЦДС), општински обврзници, комерцијални хартии, хипотекарни деривати и интербанкарско позајмување. (Net Press)
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