Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

food security

Malay translation:

menjamin bekalan makanan

Added to glossary by A-MMI (X)
Jul 9, 2001 02:13
23 yrs ago
English term

food security

English to Malay Other
These services, when delivered efficiently will play a significant role in food security for Malaysia as well as to position Malaysia as a regional hub for paddy
Proposed translations (Malay)
0 menjamin bekalan makanan

Proposed translations

42 mins

menjamin bekalan makanan

My take is that the translation of the given should go something like:
Tahap kecekapan pengurusan perkhidmatan yang disebutkan akan berperanan besar untuk menjamin bekalan makanan serta...

The report in the url below would aptly illustrate
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you."
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