Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Norwegian translation:


Added to glossary by wo-hat-li
Nov 15, 2006 08:57
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term


English to Norwegian Law/Patents Law (general) Sentence
Could also be anything related to "party requested", "defendant" etc.
Proposed translations (Norwegian)
4 innstevnet
4 saksøkte


wo-hat-li (asker) Nov 15, 2006:
Sorry about that. Actually I am trying to translate from a Portuguese term (requerido). In legal proceedings commenced by petition, the person against whom action or relief is prayed, or who opposes the prayer of the petition, is called "respondent". That is the word I am looking for.
Per Bergvall Nov 15, 2006:
That's three different questions, all out of context. Could you be a bit more specific, please?

Proposed translations

3 hrs


"Respondent" is translated by "innstevnet" according to Kunnskapsforlagets Stor Engelsk-Norsk Ordbok and Clue for Windows. "Innstevne" is to issue a writ summoning someone to the court. "Innstevnet" is the person who receives such a writ.

Ref 1: "Respondent: One of the parties to a case. The respondent is called this because he or she is responding to (answering) an action started by another party, who might be called the appellant, the petitioner, or might be an administrative agency."

Ref 2: "Innstevne - innkalle til å møte for retten: siktede ble innstevnet sammen med to vitner "
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Takk skal du ha."
3 hrs


You are probably looking for "saksøkte". the person whom is asked to respond to the claim/ charges.

Note added at 4 hrs (2006-11-15 13:23:24 GMT)
Oppnevning av prosessfullmektig i ekteskaps- og familiesaker
I ekteskaps- og familiesaker etter § 18 første ledd nr. 1 kan retten, dersom den finner det nødvendig, oppnevne prosessfullmektig for saksøkt som er uteblitt eller ikke har gitt tilsvar under saksforberedelsen, eller er uteblitt fra hovedforhandlingen. Oppnevning kan skje selv om saksøkte ikke fyller de økonomiske vilkår i § 8.
Note from asker:
Det gjelder ikke en straffesak, men en sak om fordeling av foreldrerett.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Bjørnar Magnussen : Passer i mange sammenhenger, men antagelig ikke i f.eks. ankesaker: "The person beginning the appeal is called the appellant and the other person (the one who "won" the initial trial) is the respondent." (
55 mins
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