Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

hydropad seal

Polish translation:

uszczelnienie typu hydropad

Added to glossary by Polangmar
Aug 6, 2011 17:05
13 yrs ago
English term

hydropad seal

English to Polish Tech/Engineering Engineering (general)
typ uszczelnienia
Proposed translations (Polish)
4 uszczelnienie typu hydropad
Change log

Aug 8, 2011 13:59: Polangmar changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/141091">literary's</a> old entry - "hydropad seal"" to ""uszczelnienie typu hydropad""


literary (asker) Aug 7, 2011:
"Hydropad" technology

The figure shows automatically operated mechanical gas-tight seal and rotating part. This type of seal is used in various applications. "Hydropad" technology uses radial grooves cut in the stationary carbon element. The grooves act as passages for cooling gas supplied to the "carbon / tungsten carbide" interface resulting in forming of thin layer of gas, on which carbon element slides.
Polangmar Aug 7, 2011:
literary (asker) Aug 7, 2011:
dobrze gugluje
uszczelnienie, w którym stosowana jest "hydropad technology"
Polangmar Aug 6, 2011:

Proposed translations

1 day 16 mins

uszczelnienie typu hydropad

Nie ma polskiej nazwy i lepiej jej nie wymyślać, bo w oryginalnej nazwie jest "poduszka wodna", a w rzeczywistości jest to poduszka powietrzna/gazowa.

Pictured above is a self-acting gas mechanical seal and rotating
face that is used for many applications. The “hydropad” design
uses radial grooves cut into the stationary carbon which act as
cooling passages for the gas to feed into the carbon/tungsten
carbide interface forming a thin film of gas for the carbon to ride on.
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