May 26, 2011 09:12
13 yrs ago
English term


English to Polish Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Operations to be identified as special monitoring shall include the following: until their expiry, structured risks: extended, re-instrumented, or corresponding to customers declared bankrupt which might have been reclassified from any of
the categories of doubtful debtors through complying with the requirements set out therein; and
operations classified as normal customers’ operations which might have an operation classified as
doubtful due to customer arrears
Proposed translations (Polish)
3 przebudowane produkty strukturyzowane

Proposed translations

50 mins

przebudowane produkty strukturyzowane

IMHO. Tylko to mi przychodzi do głowy. Chociaż 'instrumentation' może dotyczyć też narzędzi pomiaru wyników instrumentów/produktów finansowych, wydaje mi się, że tu chodzi o przekonstruowanie instrumentów w ramach produktu strukturyzowanego.
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