Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

charitable immunity

Polish translation:

immunitet (chroniący) wolontariusza, immunitet wolontariacki

Added to glossary by Polangmar
Nov 9, 2008 11:14
16 yrs ago
English term

charitable immunity

English to Polish Law/Patents Law (general) health care / legal issues
Split treatment- pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy are provided by two different clinicians ( psychiatrist and psychologist)

Some of the legal challenges of split treatment:

- financial profile of psychiatrist (e.g. psychiatrist may become the target and / or deep pocket; psychiatrists may be practicing in a system with a sovereign or charitable immunity; psychiatrists may be collaborating with underinsured or uninsured therapists.
Change log

Nov 9, 2008 22:46: Polangmar Created KOG entry


Polangmar Nov 9, 2008:
Raczej nie - ja w każdym razie nie słyszałem o takich rozwiązaniach w polskim prawie.
Allda (asker) Nov 9, 2008:
domniemuję, ze ani ten immunitet ani immunitet zawodowy lekarza (sovereign) nie dotyczą Polski ... ?

Proposed translations

10 hrs

immunitet (chroniący) wolontariusza, immunitet wolontariacki

Charitable immunity laws seem to have a deterrent effect. A survey of 104 clinics in 33 states conducted by Volunteers in Health Care found that physicians who volunteer to care for the uninsured are rarely targets of malpractice claims. Provisions such as raising the negligence standard of care seem to discourage plaintiffs from filing frivolous claims, which in turn eases physicians' concerns about volunteering. Because they seem to have stabilized the liability situation, at least in the volunteer context, charitable immunity laws may also make it easier and less expensive for insurance companies to provide malpractice coverage to volunteer clinicians.

Charitable immunity statutes shield surgeon volunteers.

Immunitet wolontariusza na wzór "immunitet posła":
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