Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
ring test
Polish translation:
1. analiza wielostanowiskowa 2. analiza wieloośrodkowa
Added to glossary by
Oct 27, 2009 22:30
15 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term
ring test
English to Polish
Mathematics & Statistics
What does "ring test" mean in a sentence:
"to establish the reproductibility of the manual test, a ring test ( The Internal Ring Test) was conducted among the 3 staff in the X laboratory who regularly carry out the test."
Thank you in advance
"to establish the reproductibility of the manual test, a ring test ( The Internal Ring Test) was conducted among the 3 staff in the X laboratory who regularly carry out the test."
Thank you in advance
Proposed translations
3 | analiza wielostanowiskowa | Polangmar |
3 -1 | próba obrączkowa (wykrywania azotanów) | Krzysztof Kłonica |
Proposed translations
22 hrs
analiza wielostanowiskowa
internal ring test - wewnętrzna/wewnątrzzakładowa analiza wielostanowiskowa
external ring test - zewnętrzna analiza wielostanowiskowa
- analiza wielomiejscowa
Note added at 2 days23 hrs (2009-10-30 21:57:37 GMT) Post-grading
Dziękuję.:) Przyszło mi do głowy, że do "external ring test" pasuje też:
- analiza wieloośrodkowa
Kłopot w tym, że wówczas straci się, w pewnym sensie, spójność terminologiczną.
external ring test - zewnętrzna analiza wielostanowiskowa
- analiza wielomiejscowa
Note added at 2 days23 hrs (2009-10-30 21:57:37 GMT) Post-grading
Dziękuję.:) Przyszło mi do głowy, że do "external ring test" pasuje też:
- analiza wieloośrodkowa
Kłopot w tym, że wówczas straci się, w pewnym sensie, spójność terminologiczną.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: Coś na potwierdzenie?
3 hrs
Ot, propozycja pasująca do kontekstu - pojawi się lepsza, dam "agree"...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
11 hrs
próba obrączkowa (wykrywania azotanów)
Jeśli dotyczy chemii, to "próba obrączkowa". Jeśli dotyczy obróbki plastycznej (w co wątpię), to "próba pierścieniowa". Obydwa terminy pochodzą ze słownika technicznego WNT.
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
: Wiadomo, czego dotyczy "ring test" - poniżej zamieściłem oryginalny tekst, z którego pochodzi to wyrażenie. Żadna z powyższych propozycji do niego nie pasuje (nie chodzi ani o azotany, ani o obróbkę plastyczną).
5 hrs
To zadający pytanie ma podać szerszy kontekst. A to, że podałeś jakiś tam tekst, nic nie znaczy, bo to wyrażenie może być z zupełnie innego tekstu/kontekstu, no chyba że kalessandra to Ty... Koniec tematu.
Reference comments
46 mins
A recent ‘ring test’ between laboratories of various suppliers showed a wide variability between laboratories. The repetitive nature of the stirring required in the test lends itself to automation and thereby to improved reproducibility and repeatability. It was therefore decided to develop an automatic JCC test.
Results of ring tests were evaluated by the Analysis of Variance method using the ANOVA module within a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
A further ring test (The External Ring Test) was then carried out comparing the Britannia Food Ingredients results with the results obtained by three companies who supply ingredient raw materials. All carried out essentially the same British Standard test and each laboratory was asked to analyse six samples in triplicate. Although the duplicate samples included were not significantly different, there were highly significant differences among the four laboratories.
Overall, the External Ring Test showed much higher standard errors and confidence limits than found in the Internal Ring Test (Table 2). The confidence limits for Tmax, arguably the most important parameter recorded, was 0.75 compared with 0.33 for the Internal Ring Test. Some of the differences between laboratories were due to potentially controllable differences, e.g. use of metal stirrers instead of glass and lack of air conditioning, but it was concluded that the main reason for the high variability is the very subjective nature of the test.
Results of ring tests were evaluated by the Analysis of Variance method using the ANOVA module within a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
A further ring test (The External Ring Test) was then carried out comparing the Britannia Food Ingredients results with the results obtained by three companies who supply ingredient raw materials. All carried out essentially the same British Standard test and each laboratory was asked to analyse six samples in triplicate. Although the duplicate samples included were not significantly different, there were highly significant differences among the four laboratories.
Overall, the External Ring Test showed much higher standard errors and confidence limits than found in the Internal Ring Test (Table 2). The confidence limits for Tmax, arguably the most important parameter recorded, was 0.75 compared with 0.33 for the Internal Ring Test. Some of the differences between laboratories were due to potentially controllable differences, e.g. use of metal stirrers instead of glass and lack of air conditioning, but it was concluded that the main reason for the high variability is the very subjective nature of the test.
Dziękuję tym, którzy pomagają rozwijać się takim osobom jak ja. :)