Apr 18, 2002 11:57
22 yrs ago
English term

demonstrate a dramatic external locus of control

Non-PRO English to Polish Medical
if patients have disincentives for recovery, such as disability or personal liability litigation, or demonstrate a dramatic external locus of control, or present with a great degree of anger or blame, at this instutute we try to resolve these problems before treationg the patients with opioids
Proposed translations (Polish)
4 wykazuja znaczny stopien podporzadkowania wplywom z zewnatrz

Proposed translations

56 mins

wykazuja znaczny stopien podporzadkowania wplywom z zewnatrz

locus of control to termin z psychologii, ktory definiuje to, co lub kto kieruje twoim zyciem
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Super odpowiedź! Thanks."
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