Nov 11, 2008 16:13
16 yrs ago
English term

the weather-beaten sign left him as to the heraldic bearings

English to Polish Art/Literary Other
całe zdanie:The Donnithhorne Arms stood at the entrance of the village, and a small farmyard and stackyard which flanked it, indicating that there was a pretty take of land attached to the inn, gave the traveller a promise of good feed for himself and his horse, which might well console him for the ignorance in which the weather-beaten sign left him as to the heraldic bearings of that ancient family, the Donnithornes.
(ADAM BEDE by George Eliot)
Change log

Nov 12, 2008 00:35: Polangmar changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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PRO (3): Beata Claridge, Allda, Polangmar

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Polangmar Nov 12, 2008:
Lepiej pytać o terminy pojedynczo - na przykład "heraldic bearings" powinno być tematem oddzielnego pytania.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

zniszczony szyld nie dawał żadnej pewności co do szlacheckiego pochodzenia (tej starej rodziny/rodu)

sign - to znak/ szyld, na ktorym zapewne wymalowan herb rodu Donninthorn
heraldic bearings - fakt, ze rodzina posiada herb - szlacheckie pochodzenie,

ignorance (in which he was left after seeing the sign) - zobaczyl znak bardzo zniszczony, ktory w zaden sposob nie potwierdzil wg niego szlacheckiego pochodzenia rodu (czy dlatego, ze byl na zewnatrz i tak zniszczony?, moze trudno potwierdzic jego autentycznosc), faktem jest, ze wciaz nie wie czy rodzina ma pochodzenie "herbowe"

W linku znajdziesz analize calego tekstu

Note added at 4 hrs (2008-11-11 20:46:06 GMT)

Zapomnialam dodac najwazniejsze: niepoprawnie podzielilas zdanie, wiec trudno dostrzec tu logike. Ale jak podzirelisz tak, znaczenie staje sie proste:
The weather-beaten sign left him in ignorance as to the heraldic bearings of this ancient family
A promise of good food will console him for this ignorance

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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