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Aug 17, 2012 12:33
12 yrs ago
English term


English to Polish Tech/Engineering Petroleum Eng/Sci shale gas operations
Water use and management in shale gas operations

Impact of using hydraulic fracturing fluid
(...) The water, sand and additives mixture is injected into the geologic formation at high pressure and forms micro fractures in the shale which allow the trapped gas to flow to the wellbore. The extent of the micro fractures from the well bore can be measured by taking highly sensitive seismic measurements during the hydraulic fracturing process. The micro fractures extend typically less than 180 metres upward from the well bore. The probability that any micro fractures extend vertically upward beyond 350 metres is ~1% and beyond 500 metres is a small fraction of 1% because layered sedimentary rocks provide natural barriers to the progression of the micro fractures.6

Figure 3 – Micro seismic measurements of distance from fractures to aquifer

(jest to Ryc. 1 na tej stronie:

Figure 3 (above) shows micro seismic measurements of the actual maximum extent of micro fractures from a series of wells in the Barnett Shale in the United States.

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tabor (asker) Aug 17, 2012:
jest dobrze, dzięki Sławek : )
SlawekW Aug 17, 2012:
myślę teraz na głos spójrz tu: "wierzchołek strefy spękań"...?? to się wydaje mieć jakiś sens w świetle "actual maximum extent of micro fractures"
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