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Oct 3, 2013 14:15
11 yrs ago
English term
ramanone tigloyl
English to Portuguese
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Two chemicals:
1) ramanone
2) tigloyl
From a patent in english. I believe the translation into portuguese would be ramanona and tigloilo, but can't find these words anywhere. Any help , please? Many thanks!
1) ramanone
2) tigloyl
From a patent in english. I believe the translation into portuguese would be ramanona and tigloilo, but can't find these words anywhere. Any help , please? Many thanks!
Ja para a ramanone nao encontrei nada...esta referencia do oxygen4u é precisamente a traducao da patente para espanhol, onde se usa ramanona...penso que em portugues será igualmente ramanona
e algumas em português: -Desacetil-4-O-tigloil- chamissonolídeo
para o Ramanone apenas uma em inglê ramanone - cliquei e o Google crashed...