Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

mandated lead arranger

Portuguese translation:

organizador líder (agente principal) autorizado

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2013-02-03 14:54:08 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Jan 31, 2013 12:56
12 yrs ago
22 viewers *
English term

mandated lead arranger

English to Portuguese Bus/Financial Finance (general) Project Financing
Financing for a major project will be arranged by a bank or group of banks termed the “lead arranger(s)”.
The MANDATED LEAD ARRANGER (MLA) generally has the leading role in this financing stage of a project. He often underwrites the financing, then handles syndication or builds up a group to underwrite the full amount and syndicate. As a requirement of its mandate from the project sponsor, the MLA will be committed to raise the complete debt financing, which for a major project could be many hundreds of millions of dollars. But, commercial lenders typically do not want to take more than about US$50 million of debt for a particular project and will want to pass some of the debt, and hence some of the risk, to other lenders. The process of selling the debt is called syndication.

Proposed translations

9 mins

organizador líder (agente principal) autorizado

mandated lead arranger: organizador líder (agente principal) autorizado
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
3 hrs

Mandatário Principal

traduziria assim. Pois há um banco é o escolhido/definido para articular o processo.
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4 hrs

Coordenador líder mandatário

"Rand Marchant Bank (atuando como MLA – Coordenador líder mandatário, em conjunto com o Standard Bank) quanto à sua proposta de financiamento de uma fábrica de embalagens de US$ 110 milhões em Angola, para a Nampak".

Também há muitas ocorrências em que a expressão é simplesmente mantida em Inglês, como nos exemplos abaixo.
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