Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

sub-custodian bank

Romanian translation:

bancă sub-custode / custode local

Added to glossary by Lavinia Pirlog
Jun 17, 2011 05:09
13 yrs ago
14 viewers *
English term

sub-custodian bank

English to Romanian Bus/Financial Finance (general)
One special type of custodian bank is known as an agent bank or sub-custodian bank. This designation is normally associated with banking functions in the United States. In this scenario, the sub-custodian bank is a financial institution that is located outside the borders of the United States or its territories. Their function is especially important when it comes to American Depositary Receipts, or ADRs.
Proposed translations (Romanian)
4 +2 bancă sub-custode / custode local

Proposed translations

1 hr

bancă sub-custode / custode local

Am văzut că este folosită denumirea aceasta de câteva instituţii de referinţă (Citi Bank, ING etc.).

Altfel, custode local sau bancă custode locală (Raiffeisen, CNVM etc.).
Astfel, prin subsidiarele Raiffeisen Bank vor putea subscrie persoanele fizice rezidente sau nerezidente in Romania si persoane juridice rezidente care nu au incheiat un contract de custodie cu un custode local.
Example sentence:

Acest produs nu este disponibil pentru clientii persoane fizice, sau pentru clientii cu portofoliu de investitii, care necesita un sub-custode in afara retelei existente a custodelui nostru global - Citibank N.A. London

ING Bank a lansat servicii de custodie in Romania in decembrie 1996, grupul ING devenind cel mai important sub-custode din Romania dupa criteriul activelor investitorilor straini aflate in custodia bancii.

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agree Word_Wise
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