Nov 28, 2004 13:17
20 yrs ago
23 viewers *
English term
on arm's length terms
English to Romanian
Law: Contract(s)
Each Company shall conduct its business and affairs on a commercial basis and transact all its business on arm's lenght terms.
Nu am mai intalnit pana acum aceasta expresie si as fi recunoscatoare sa aflu ce inseamna!
Nu am mai intalnit pana acum aceasta expresie si as fi recunoscatoare sa aflu ce inseamna!
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
42 mins
profesionist/pastrand distanta
keep sb at arm's length = to not allow someone to become too friendly with you:
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Mersi frumos, Aura:-))"
1 hr
ca si cum partile nu sunt inrudite, astfel incat sa evite orice aparenta de conflict de interese
Arm's length : Two people, or entities, are said to be dealing at arm's length with each other if they are independent, and one does not have undue influence over the other. - 101k - 26 Nov 2004 - În Cache - Pagini similare
A transaction in which the parties are dealing from equal bargaining positions, neither party is subject to the other's control or dominant influence, and the transaction is treated with fairness, integrity and legality. If discovered by a taxing authority, the absence of an arms length transaction may result in additional taxes incurred resulting from transfer at less than fair market value. default.asp?term=TERMS+AND+CONDITIONS - 38k - În Cache - Pagini similare
ARM’S LENGTH TRANSACTION is a transaction that is conducted as though the parties were unrelated, thereby avoiding any semblance of conflict of interest. - 25k - În Cache - Pagini similare - 101k - 26 Nov 2004 - În Cache - Pagini similare
A transaction in which the parties are dealing from equal bargaining positions, neither party is subject to the other's control or dominant influence, and the transaction is treated with fairness, integrity and legality. If discovered by a taxing authority, the absence of an arms length transaction may result in additional taxes incurred resulting from transfer at less than fair market value. default.asp?term=TERMS+AND+CONDITIONS - 38k - În Cache - Pagini similare
ARM’S LENGTH TRANSACTION is a transaction that is conducted as though the parties were unrelated, thereby avoiding any semblance of conflict of interest. - 25k - În Cache - Pagini similare
20 hrs
in mod independent
In contextul tau, este vorba de legatura dintre activitatile si afacerile fiecarei societati. Acestea se vor desfasura in mod independent una fata de cealalta si fara nici un fel de legatura intre ele.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Marcella Magda
: nu stiu daca regulamentul imi permite sa imi dau autogol, dar cred ca varianta ta e cea mai buna, Elenus
5 hrs
agree |
2160 days
2747 days
în condiţii nepreferenţiale
"...It is used specifically in contract law to arrange an equitable agreement that will stand up to legal scrutiny, even though the parties may have shared interests (e.g., employer-employee) or are too closely related to be seen as completely independent (e.g., the parties have familial ties)"
"...It is used specifically in contract law to arrange an equitable agreement that will stand up to legal scrutiny, even though the parties may have shared interests (e.g., employer-employee) or are too closely related to be seen as completely independent (e.g., the parties have familial ties)"
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