Jul 7, 2010 11:27
14 yrs ago
22 viewers *
English term

custody officer

English to Romanian Law/Patents Law (general) Police jargon
Termenul nu face parte dintr-un text anume, as avea doar nevoie de un corespondent cat mai apropiat in limba romana.


Proposed translations

214 days

Ofiter de arest

A Custody Officer is an attested constable of at least the rank of Sergeant in the United Kingdom who works in a custody suite. They are responsible for the care and welfare of arrested persons who are brought to the custody suite
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
26 mins

organ de cercetare penală

Cred ca asta e. Am consultat si un avocat, care a aprobat termenul.
Example sentence:

organ de cercetare penală = persoana cu functie publica avand ca atributii efectuarea de acte de cercetare in cadrul urmaririi penale

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1 day 2 hrs

ofiter custodie

Aceasta varianta este corecta daca este vorba de un text din domeniul bancar.

Este persoana responsabila cu activitatile de custodie pentru clientii bancii.

Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2010-07-08 14:21:55 GMT)

The Custody Officer's Companion: Police Law for Custody Officers

Handy guide for custody sergeants, review officers and detention officers, explaining all the PACE requirements and guidelines in a simple, easy to understand format.

Daca este vorba de "police jargon" custody officer inseamna cele de mai sus: ofiter de corectie.
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