Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Air consuming unit

Romanian translation:

consumator de aer comprimat

Added to glossary by Augustin Dragoste
Jul 9, 2011 11:37
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Air consuming unit

English to Romanian Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering metrou
Air consuming units

Proposed translations (Romanian)
4 consumator de aer comprimat
5 +1 unitate consumatoare de aer
Change log

Jul 10, 2011 17:35: Augustin Dragoste Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

10 hrs

consumator de aer comprimat

Aerul simplu, liber, pur și simplu se poate consuma și prin ardere. Aici, însă, cred că e vorba de aerul comprimat ce este depozitat intr-un rezervor care livrează aer comprimat la o anumita presiune. Cind, prin consumarea aerului prin folosirea la frâne, de exemplu, se coboară presiunea sub o anumită limită, e pornit un compresor pentru a reface rezerva de aer comprimat.
Example sentence:

Un consumator de aer poate fi instalația pneumatică de frânare. Sau, cilindrii de închidere ai ușilor de la autobuze și troleibuze.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "multumesc"
20 mins

unitate consumatoare de aer

Nimic iesit din comun... o traducere cuvant cu cuvant. In limbajul ingineresc sunt frecvente astfel de formulari generale.
Note from asker:
multumesc, termenul este simplu, insa nu-mi venea in minte o formulare adecvata
Peer comment(s):

agree Vasile Airinei : interesant, cum o fi oare o unitate care consuma aer?
1 hr
E o formulare generala. "A consuma", in acest caz, inseamna "a folosi", caci nimic nu mananca aer :) . O unitate consumatoare de aer este radiatorul.
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Reference comments

1 hr

air consuming

A vehicle, such as a lorry or a bus, includes compressed air consuming devices and a power driven compressor to deliver compressed air to at least one storage tank. A control device controls the operation of the compressor so as to maintain the air pressure in the tank at a desired pressure level sufficient to operate the air consuming devices, such as a braking system and a suspension system, when needed. The air pressure is usually maintained substantially at a predetermined first elevated level or value. However, based on signals from position identification means, such as a global navigation system or other external or internal position identification sources the control device controls the operation of the compressor so as to change the pressure of the air in the storage tank to a predetermined second elevated level or value substantially different from the first level or value in response to receiving from the position identification means an indication to the effect that the vehicle is approaching or has arrived at one of a plurality of predetermined positions and/or positions fulfilling predetermined criteria.
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