Aug 20, 2010 12:09
14 yrs ago
English term
the beam
English to Serbian
Visual arts
The Beam is one of the basic elements in any visual identities.
The beam is usually in the bottom right corner but it isn’t forbidden to put it in other corners. The color version consists of respective corporate color scheme. There are three versions of the beam - the colored version, outline and grayscale version. They can be used individually or together as well. You can crop the beam from the bottom and right side, as long it doesn’t loose its basic form.
The beam is usually in the bottom right corner but it isn’t forbidden to put it in other corners. The color version consists of respective corporate color scheme. There are three versions of the beam - the colored version, outline and grayscale version. They can be used individually or together as well. You can crop the beam from the bottom and right side, as long it doesn’t loose its basic form.
Proposed translations
1 hr
mislim da se ovo odnosi na prozorčiće-postavke na stranici koji mogu a ne moraju voditi do nekog drugog linka a mozda mogu biti i sam logo sajta ili kompanije... mislim da je ovaj naziv dosta korektan, pa ocjenite sami
Note added at 4 hrs (2010-08-20 16:12:04 GMT)
Da na to sam i mislio, neki mini pano je u pitanju ili ekran a moguce da jego u njemu bas ili neki drugi identifikacioni znak, zato sm vam predlozio ovaj malo siri termin! nema na cemu i drugi put :-)
Note added at 4 hrs (2010-08-20 16:12:04 GMT)
Da na to sam i mislio, neki mini pano je u pitanju ili ekran a moguce da jego u njemu bas ili neki drugi identifikacioni znak, zato sm vam predlozio ovaj malo siri termin! nema na cemu i drugi put :-)
Note from asker:
Ono što mene čudi jeste da se sve vrijeme pominje logo, symbol, brand descriptor, a onda odjednom beam koji mi se ne uklapa u koncept. Da li je to možda isto što i logo, odnosno logotip, ne znam... Vidim da se ljudi i u svijetu dizajna prepiru oko toga šta je logo, logotip, znak ili simbol... |
Mada, što više gledam, možda ste u pravu. Postavka logotipa/logoa, odnosno korišćenje logoa na kancelarisjkim materijalima, publikacijama, itd... Hvala Dondule! |