Apr 9, 2010 14:57
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

pull-up resistor

GBK English to Slovenian Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng
Definition from Sealevel Systems, Inc.:
A resistor used to pull a logic input "up" to the high state, or logic-1 state, thus preventing a disconnected input from floating into an undetermined state.
Example sentences:
Without an internal pull-up enabled in our circuit, the button would be "floating" when open and ground when pushed. We want it to be a digital high when open. We need the pull-up resistor. (Micah Carrick)
Once again, modern parts require lower currents, but if a switch seems to be unreliable, try increasing the current by reducing the value of the pull-up resistor. (The errant engineer)
So determine if parts count or cost come into play with this design, are you building 3 prototypes or 10,000 units [to determine the cost and impact of the resistor]. Next determine if the resistor is really required, check the IC logic family being used, it may or may not require a pull-up resistor. (Leroy Davis)
Proposed translations (Slovenian)
5 dvižni upor, upor za dvig ravni
Change log

Apr 9, 2010 14:42: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Apr 9, 2010 14:57: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Apr 12, 2010 15:58: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

May 9, 2010 15:56:

Jun 8, 2010 15:56:

Proposed translations

102 days

dvižni upor, upor za dvig ravni

Definition from own experience or research:
(1) Upor priključen na pozitivno napajalno napetost vezja tranzistorja ter od oskrbe kolektorja k izhodnemu kolektorju. <br />(2) Upor premoščen z izhodom naprave ali vezjem, da drži izhodno napetost na enaki ali večji ravni kot je vhodna raven prehoda digitalne naprave. Običajno je povezan s pozitivno napetostjo ali plus dobavo.
Example sentences:
Zato mu je potrebno dodati dvižni upor (Pull-Up), ki vežemo med napajanje in izhod signala (Fakulteta za elektrotehniko)
Večina mikrokrmilnikov že ima vgrajen dvižni upor, tako da lahkopriključimo stikalo neposredno med digitalnim vhodom mikrokrmilnika in maso (Fakulteta za elektrotehniko/diploma)
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