Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

"creep" o "deformación a tensión constante"

Added to glossary by Eva Gea
Jun 23, 2004 09:56
20 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Medical Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) collagen fibers
The component collagen fiber of the conective tissue mechanically functions by its curled strcuture. In its passive phase it has a curvature that its equal to its function. Upon elongation, it uncurls and when the insertion upon adjacent bones shortens, the collagen fiber curls further.

Physiologic elongation (uncurling) from external stress on this viscoelastic tissue is called "creep", which is defined as "a deformation that is gradual and under a constant load".

Mil gracias.

Proposed translations

12 mins

"creep" o "deformación a tensión constante"

He dado un vistazo a Google y veo que en la mayoría de los casos no se traduce. Todo y así también lo he encontrado como "´deformación a tensión constante".

Puedes escribir "creep deformación" en Google y verás que puedes obtener un montón de información sobre este proceso. Seleccion%20de%20materiales%20II_a.pdf


Note added at 13 mins (2004-06-23 10:10:08 GMT)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias Eva."
55 mins

deformación gradual a carga constante

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