Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Default Value must be Float

Spanish translation:

El valor por defecto debe ser flotante

Added to glossary by Alfonso Misas Gento
Dec 14, 2006 06:28
18 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

Default Value must be Float

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Computers: Hardware
It refers to the value of a certain variable. Next sentence is "Default Value must be Integer". I understand that one. My problem is with the term Float.

I have read about that term in Financial glossaries and in certain situations it means the difference between what you have and what you pay. But in this case it is not about money, and I do not really see the relationship.

Thank you!

Proposed translations

9 mins

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Hola psikitin, no me sé la traducción de "float", pero sé que significa un número con punto decimal y números a la derecha del punto decimal; para diferenciarlo de "integers" que son sólo números enteros.
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias. Me ha venido la inspiracion y al final creo que Flotante se ajusta a lo que busco. Era mas facil de lo que esperaba."
1 hr

Float es la representación de un número en punto flotante

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