This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Oct 16, 2011 10:01
13 yrs ago
English term

reverse low bank posture

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering MOTOR GRADER
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If the top of the blade is rotated to the rear, the blade can be set to the reverse low bank posture, which makes it possible to cut the slope face while scraping up the soil.
To scrape up the soil smoothly, a shallow angle slope is needed.
Rotate the blade until the bottom of the blade is close to the front tires. Be careful not to let the blade hit the tires.


meirs Oct 16, 2011:
posture is a different term it indicates the orientation and position of the blade - you should really ask only for "reverse low bank" - that is IMHO the "hard" nut here - belongs to earth works
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