Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Everytime I hold it I will think of you. Many hugs and kisses!

Spanish translation:

Cada vez que la tenga en mis manos, pensaré en ti...

Added to glossary by Claudia Andreani
Jun 26, 2002 19:03
22 yrs ago
English term

Everytime I hold it I will think of you. Many hugs and kisses!

Non-PRO English to Spanish Other
Equadorian language.

Proposed translations

1 min

Cada vez que la tenga en mis manos, pensaré en ti...

Cada vez que la tenga en mis manos, pensaré en ti. ¡Muchos besos y abrazos!

Note added at 2002-06-26 19:07:45 (GMT)

Cada vez que LO/LA (Depends of the gender of whatever you are holding) if it is \"regalo\" like in your previous posting, should be LO.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Rick Henry : uh... yeah. La by itself would be something a bit... derragatory :-)
9 mins
I know...
agree Plencia : Other verbs apart from 'tener' would sound odd in Spanish
12 mins
12 mins
gracias :o)
agree Norberto Gimelfarb
10 hrs
agree Imma
11 hrs
agree LoreAC (X)
1 day 15 hrs
Something went wrong...
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