Jun 27, 2003 09:09
21 yrs ago
English term

brigade-size lift

English to Spanish Other
Our goal is to commit assets to lead a multinational maritime task group with brigade-size lift at a range up to 3,600 nm.

Proposed translations

47 mins

capacidad de transporte (naval) de una brigada / capacidad de transportar una brigada por vía maríti

entiendo que al estar hablando de un "maritime task group", la capacidad de transporte referida no es aérea (airlift) sino marítima ("sea-sift capacity")

que conste que no tengo ninguna experiencia militar y baso lo que digo solamente en la evidencia hallada en google:

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... 4 classes: 1. Class 1 a) Chemical Weapons b) Heavy Artillery c) Radar d) Homing
Torpedoes e) Gunnery Radar 2. Class 2 a) Massive Sea-lift Capacity b) Hunter ...
www.columbiagames.com/Support/Wargames/ Victory/VictoryTechnologicalDev.pdf - Páginas similares

Wing in Ground Effect to the Rescue - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Sea lift capacity either directly controlled by or under contract to the US Government
is insufficient to sustain any prolonged land force campaign (Mobility ...
www.amsc.belvoir.army.mil/ground_effect.htm - 16k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF]James Blair 03/04/2003 Following the Kosovo crisis in 1999 the ...
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... Europe has almost no heavy -airlift capacity compared to US capability, and this
is compounded by inadequate sea-lift capacity to ship heavy vehicles to ...
www.driftreality.com/Jamie/ Essay%20-%2003%5B1%5D.03.19%20-%20Challenges%20for%20European%20Defence.pdf - Páginas similares

The: [WarinEur LIST] Allied Production Option - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... U-Boat War for the Allied Production option affects the United Kingdom's generation
of Production points and the United States Sea Lift Capacity by adjusting ...
www.halisp.net/listserv/warineur/ archives/199705/0012.html - 17k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PPT]International Security Studies
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... Strategic Defence Review - outcomes. Purchase of air and sea lift capacity. Kosovo
- change of RAF Doctrine (Gulf War). Commitment to EU Rapid Reaction Force. ...
www.essex.ac.uk/government/courses/Undergraduate/ Courses/readinglists/GV517/Slides/517.14.ppt - Páginas similares

CCC - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... the establishment of a European air transport command; - to increase the number
of readily deployable troops; - and to enhance strategic sea lift capacity. ...
ue.eu.int/pesc/military/en/CCC.htm - 22k - En caché - Páginas similares

Taiwan: Not Worth War, But Well Worth Arming - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... capacity to successfully conquer the island—invasions like D-Day in Europe and
Inchon in Korea require massive air- and sea-lift capacity and overwhelming ...
www.cato.org/dailys/12-04-96.html - 47k - 26 Jun 2003 - En caché - Páginas similares

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... [Foreign and Commonwealth Office] Cm 7717 ; Treaty series 22 (2002) 087.7(410) Cm
5517 Weissenberg, Jon von Strategic sea lift capacity in the common European ...
library.sipri.se/0207.pdf - Páginas similares

National Defence College / Department of Strategic and Defence ...
... 20, 2002 Jon von Weissenberg: Strategic Sea Lift Capacity in the Common
European Security and Defence Policy. 2. Research Reports. No. ...
www.mpkk.fi/englanti/public.html - 10k - En caché - Páginas similares

China's belligerence - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Its Army is vastly outnumbered by China's, but military experts doubt that China
has the sea-lift capacity to throw a significant invasion force across the ...
www.csmonitor.com/durable/2000/03/15/p11s1.htm - 14k - En caché - Páginas similares

Peer comment(s):

agree Manuel Garcia
16 mins
gracias manuel
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias por la respuesta"
26 mins

capacidad de transporte aéreo de una brigada

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