Sep 29, 2000 13:04
24 yrs ago
34 viewers *
English term

bucket truck

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering
The ALT-120/60 is a portable high voltage AC test set designed to test aerial lifts. It is designed to meet all ANSI A92.2 testing requirements for insulated work platforms, bucket trucks, single and double liners
Proposed translations (Spanish)
0 camión grúa
0 camion acensor
0 "(Molinos de) cubetas (o cubas) de agua"

Proposed translations

2 days 22 hrs

camión grúa

A "bucket" in this context has nothing to do with water, as electrical circuitry is in question here. It is merely a protective cage built onto the end of a crane for electrical linemen. Since many cranes are attached to trucks, I think "camión grúa" comes close to what you need.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank for the info!!"
29 mins

camion acensor

because camion is truck and acensor is elevator, this may be the correct translation.

Hope this was helpful.
Peer comment(s):

Andrew Clarke
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13 hrs

"(Molinos de) cubetas (o cubas) de agua"

I think you may be talking about some system to test aerial lifts by perhaps cranes or other lifting devices, being able to handle heavy weights like those you described. If so I would try "cubetas (o cubas de agua)". "Molinos de" could be used if the mechanism is similar to a waterwheel. luck :)

shorter et al

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