Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

"interim diet"

Swedish translation:

interimistiskt sammanträde

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2011-02-20 17:57:15 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Feb 17, 2011 16:15
14 yrs ago
English term

"interim diet"

English to Swedish Law/Patents Law (general)
Legal document. A witness statement. "Date of Interim Diet:"

Proposed translations

34 mins

interimistiskt sammanträde

diet = a sitting, or meeting of the court for the purpose of taking steps in the proceedings in any prosecution

Note added at 3 hrs (2011-02-17 19:26:43 GMT)

"interimistiskt domstolssammanträde", om förtygligandet "domstols-" krävs.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr

interim session

not sure but a diet is also sometimes described as a session of a court which is the same in swedish
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