Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

straight grate and grate kiln systems

Swedish translation:

band- och roterugnssystem

Added to glossary by Sven Petersson
Nov 1, 2011 15:19
13 yrs ago
English term

straight grate and grate kiln systems

English to Swedish Other Metallurgy / Casting EU directive on best available techniques
'For existing plants, both straight grate and grate kiln systems, it is difficult to obtain the operating conditions necessary to suit an SCR reactor.'

What woud be the correct translation of 'straight grate and grate kiln system'?

Proposed translations (Swedish)
5 band- och roterugnssystem
Change log

Nov 10, 2011 18:04: Sven Petersson Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

1 hr

band- och roterugnssystem

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