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Apr 12, 2011 14:58
13 yrs ago
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English term


English to Tagalog Other Furniture / Household Appliances You will like this one...
Hello colleagues,
Not much is happening in Kudoz so let me brake the spell. Does anyone have a good translation for this term? I only have this term as a standalone entry (with no definition) on a glossary I am translating and a quick search on the net shows that it is apparently an equipment that some household toilets have installed to wash, with running water, one's private part´s after using the loo. I am tempted to either retain it in English or write it this way:

bidet (hose na panghugas sa banyo)

but this is problematic since some bidets are not really in a 'hose' form but as a 'tap'

Anybody has better idea?

Thank in advance :-)
Proposed translations (Tagalog)
4 "Tabo" is basically equivalent to a manual bidet

Proposed translations

809 days

"Tabo" is basically equivalent to a manual bidet

A bidet is a low-mounted plumbing fixture or type of sink intended for washing the genitalia, inner buttocks, and anus.
Bidet is a French loanword.
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