Proposed translations

1 day 5 hrs

Voh mariz ..

Patients = Mariiz
waiting = intezaar
more = zeyaada
than = se
40 minutes = chaaliis minutes
please = baraa'e meharbaani, az-raah-e-karam
return to = vaapis aayein
reception desk. = istaqbaaliya

so the whole sentenced would be translated like this:
chaaliis minutes se zeyaadaa intezaar karney vaaley mariz baraa'e meharbaani istaqbaaliya per tashrif le aay'en.
Voh mariz jinhein intezaar kartey huvey chaaliis minutes se zeyaadaa ho gae hein, az-raah-e-karam istaqbaaliya per tashrif le aay'en.
Peer comment(s):

agree Rajan Chopra : Yes, of course, *voh* should be incorporated to ensure smooth and natural flow of the expression.
1 day 10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!!"
3 hrs

Chalis Minute Say Ziada Intizar Kar Lainay Walay Mareez Brai Mherbani Istikbalia Maiz Key Taraf Ain

It should be like above
Peer comment(s):

agree Rajan Chopra
2 days 12 hrs
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3 hrs

mareez chaalees minutes say intezar kar rahay hein, azrah-e-karam istaqbaalia par tashreef laein.

It seems easy sentence but I have tried to do its translation for you.
I hope it will help you.
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3 hrs

mareez chaalees minutes say intezar kar rahay hein, azrah-e-karam istaqbaalia par laot aein.

It seems easy sentence but I have tried to do its translation for you.
I hope it will help you.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kamran Nadeem : That is simply the perfect one!
1 day 8 hrs
agree Rajan Chopra
2 days 12 hrs
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3 hrs

chalees minutes say ziada intizar karnay valay mareez bara-e-mehrbani istaqbalia par tashreef laein.

It depends on the context where you want to fit this sentence.
This is another translation which can be suitable but as I already said it depends on the sentence.
I hope it will help you to select most suitable in accordance with your requirement.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Kamran Nadeem : It looks like the word to word translation case.
1 day 8 hrs
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