Apr 9, 2002 20:42
22 yrs ago
English term

Thankyou for coming

Non-PRO English to Urdu Other
To formally thank parents for attending a school support group
Proposed translations (Urdu)
5 +3 Tashreef awari ka shukria.

Proposed translations

1 hr

Tashreef awari ka shukria.

Its the formal translation for "thankyou for comming" EXPLANATIONS:
Thank you=Shukria
for =ka
comming =Tashreef awari
let me know if you want it in Urdu font.
Kamran Nadeem
Peer comment(s):

agree Subhamay Ray (X)
2 hrs
Thanx a lot Subhamay ! i really appreciate your opinion.
agree feka
4 hrs
Thanks , shukria
agree Rishi Miranhshah
1 day 5 hrs
Thanks Rishi ! I really appreciate!
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