Feb 13, 2002 09:25
23 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term


English Law/Patents
could you please tell me what's the difference in English between
1. corporate seal
2. seal of the legal person
3. seal of the legal representative

Thank you


3 hrs

Long explanation follows

1)Corporate seals are engraved with your company name, year and state of organization = also referred to as company seal .

2)Legal person is an opposite of a physical person - it can be a company, nottary office etc. Their seal is called "the seal of a legal person".

3)Legal representative seal is used by a legal representative, which I think is self-explanatory = this is a representative who legally represents and acts on behalf of somebody (be it a legal entity or a physical person).

Usually a differentiation is made between the "legal person seal" and the "legal person contract seal".

The latter is used exclusively when contracts are signed and is affixed next to the signature of the legal representative.

If a contract is signed by a Manager or a Director of the Company, the seal put on the Contract will be the corporate one. Then if necessary one more seal will be added to authenticate or notorize the process - the seal of a legal person. But if the Company could not send anyone to act on its behalf - in this case a legal Representative will be hired and he will put his stamp/seal on the Contract respectively.

Hope it helps.

Good luck!
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1. corporate seal=the stamp of a company
2. seal of a legal person= this is when a document is closed in the presence of a legal person (notary public or other oficial) and a stamp, sealing wax, melted metal, sticker of some kind is put on the closing for the document (envelope). It attests that the document is as staed by the legal person. If it is broken, the document has been opened since the legal person last saw it.
3. Seal of legal representative= the stamp of a person representing a person, a company, an organization.
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