Jul 30, 2005 08:16
19 yrs ago
French term

non flockés

French to Hungarian Other Other
Gants en latex naturel chlorinés, ***non flockés***. Adaptés au contact avec les denrées alimentaires.

Az angol változatban: non flocklined, néhol unlined.
Proposed translations (Hungarian)
5 +3 béleletlen
Change log

Jul 30, 2005 08:19: Ilona Mátyus (X) changed "Language pair" from "Hungarian to French" to "French to Hungarian"


Non-ProZ.com Jul 30, 2005:
term�szetesen nem magyarr�l franci�ra, hanem franci�r�l magyarra kellene.

Proposed translations

6 hrs
French term (edited): non flock�s


Legalábbis az angol szerint...
Peer comment(s):

agree Monika Nospak : Igen, az lesz az.
1 hr
agree gagi
1 day 7 hrs
agree Istvan Nagy
11 days
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "köszönöm!"
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