Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

tras / luego de / después de

Added to glossary by Yaotl Altan
Oct 19, 2007 19:23
17 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term


French to Spanish Social Sciences Psychology
Dans les recherches du Dr. Baker, elle a trouvé des enfants qui, finalement, ont compris qu’ils avaient été manipulés, ***ensuite thérapie***, vous savez, très souvent les gens ont les mains liées. Cela doit être un ordre de justice, le juge doit vraiment l’attraper, savoir qui est le bon et qui est le mauvais.

¿Cómo traducirían enuiste en este caso?
Muchas gracias.-
Change log

Oct 25, 2007 14:18: Yaotl Altan changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/116743">Mariana Zarnicki's</a> old entry - "ensuite"" to ""tras / luego de / después de""


liz askew Oct 19, 2007:
Don't know whether the French has captured it either: for example, "the judge has to really get it"...meaning "the judge really has to understand who the good guy is and who the bad guy is." i.e. grasp the fact
Mariana Zarnicki (asker) Oct 19, 2007:
original en inglés, a ver si ayuda. In Doctor Baker's research, she found children that finally understood that they were brainwashed, and so therapy, you know, a lot of times people's hands are just tied. It has to be a court order, the judge has to really get it, who the good guy is and who the bad guy is.
liz askew Oct 19, 2007:
En 1940, Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987), docteur en psychologie, publie les premiers textes présentant une forme nouvelle de psychothérapie : la thérapie non-directive, appelée ensuite thérapie centrée su la personne.

Proposed translations

2 mins

tras / luegoo de / después de

Note added at 5 giorni (2007-10-25 14:11:30 GMT) Post-grading

A la orden :)
Peer comment(s):

neutral liz askew : See asker's further comment.
16 mins
agree Tradjur
28 mins
agree Cecilia D'Agostino
2 hrs
Gracias :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias."
1 hr

como consecuencia / a continuación

igual hasta te sirve
Something went wrong...
14 mins

terapía centrada en la persona

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Note added at 16 mins (2007-10-19 19:40:30 GMT)

No sé si tiene sentido en la frase arriba citada, sino es lo que quiere decir "ensuite thérapie"...

Note added at 48 mins (2007-10-19 20:12:35 GMT)

Well, from the English you have given, it should be

Entonces, pues...

Note added at 9 days (2007-10-29 13:21:59 GMT) Post-grading

It should be "entonces", judging from the original English..
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