Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

cadavre exquise

Turkish translation:

muhteşem kadavra

Added to glossary by Umit Altug
May 3, 2002 13:29
22 yrs ago
French term

cadavre exquise

French to Turkish Art/Literary
surrealist / dadaist storytelling game
Proposed translations (Turkish)
5 +2 muhteşem kadavra

Proposed translations

17 mins

muhteşem kadavra

It is a game made famous the surrealists. The first person in the group would write a phrase on a sheet of paper, then fold the paper so that only the final part of the phrase remained. The second person would then continue that phrase, not fully knowing what preceded it, then fold the paper and pass it to the third person, and so on.

These two words are the from a sentence created during the first game: "Le cadavre/exquise/boira/le vin/nouveau"
In English: "The exquisite corpse will drink the young wine"
In Turkish, that reads as : "Muhteşem kadavra taze şarabı içecek." cadavre exquise was translated as "muhteşem kadavra" in writings on histry of surrealism.
Peer comment(s):

agree Nilgun Ozcan (X) : bravo vallahi
3 mins
agree 1964 : Enteresan dadaist oyunlar olduðunu bilmiyordum
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you altug "
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