Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

die Digitaleingabe

Korean translation:


Added to glossary by seigainov
Jun 28, 2004 04:31
20 yrs ago
German term

die Digitaleingabe

German to Korean Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology)
die Digitaleingabe
Proposed translations (Korean)
4 -3 숫자수입
5 -1 디지탈 (숫자 0 이나 1중) 기입

Proposed translations

1 day 3 hrs


Peer comment(s):

disagree SeonjooLee : I guess Mr. Mao used a machine translation tool or something like that.... I suggest "µðÁöÅÐ ÀÔ·Â(digital input)".
553 days
disagree parkchae (X) : The translated target term of Mr. Mao ended up being totally different meaning.
1236 days
disagree lylaelia : This is downright wrong translation, as others stated above.
1525 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1237 days

디지탈 (숫자 0 이나 1중) 기입

I have a computer science degree among others that I achieved in Germany, besides I am a korean native speaker and I have been living in Germany since 22 years.


Chae-Hong Park
Example sentence:

Die Eingabemöglichkeiten auf digitaler Varianten sind entweder 1 oder 0.

=> 디지탈 변수로서의 기입 가능성은 1 이거나 0 이다.

Peer comment(s):

disagree lylaelia : '디지탈' - The correct spelling is '디지털' ; '기입' - 'eingabe' means entering number in a computer and an appropriate translation would be '입력'.
289 days
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