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May 15, 2011 13:26
13 yrs ago
German term

OHNE (6-Loch erf.)

German to Slovenian Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering kipperanlage Martin Reiss
What could erf. stand for?
Proposed translations (Slovenian)
3 BREZ (6 zahtevaníh lukenj)


Nava Vardjan (asker) May 19, 2011:
Res, je. erf. se je izkazalo da v tem primeru pomeni erforderlich. Hvala za namig!
Béatrice Leclercq May 15, 2011:
erforderlich? It could mean "erforderlich" - potreben, nujen. Difficult to say without further context. Maybe it's better to ask the customer.

Proposed translations

69 days

BREZ (6 zahtevaníh lukenj)

erfaßt, erforderlich, erfüllt
6 Loch - Bremsachsen, Radanschluß, Aufnahme
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