Indonesian term
Zat Mudah Terarangkan dan Zat Padaman
4 +1 | Readily carbonizable substance and control solution | Anik Aminuddin |
3 | Carbonizable Subtance and Extinction Substance | Indra Sofyar |
Aug 18, 2007 22:49: Hikmat Gumilar changed "Vetting" from "Needs Vetting" to "Vet OK"
Proposed translations
Readily carbonizable substance and control solution
Note added at 3 hrs (2007-08-18 18:04:55 GMT)
pertanyaannya zat padaman atau larutan padaman? Mungkin ada typo, seharusnya larutan padanan atau pembanding (comparative solution) = larutan kontrol (control solution)
Carbonizable Subtance and Extinction Substance
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-08-18 16:58:52 GMT)
Arang = carbon
Terarangkan = carbonized
(v) carbonize, carbonise = turn into carbon (as by burning, "carbonized coal") -
Carbonizable = easily turn into carbon
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