May 19, 2011 08:57
13 yrs ago
Norwegian term
Norwegian to English
IT (Information Technology)
In connection with change requests, such a meeting is held between the customer and the supplier:
Møtets formål er å avklare funksjonelle spørsmål og overordnede tekniske problemstillinger ved at Kunden gjennomgår alle endringsanmodningene slik at Leverandøren blir i stand til å spesifisere, utvikle og teste endringen.
"acceptance meeting"?
Møtets formål er å avklare funksjonelle spørsmål og overordnede tekniske problemstillinger ved at Kunden gjennomgår alle endringsanmodningene slik at Leverandøren blir i stand til å spesifisere, utvikle og teste endringen.
"acceptance meeting"?
Proposed translations
4 | hand over meeting |
Leif Henriksen
![]() |
Proposed translations
48 mins
hand over meeting
I notice different people have different ways of spelling this - all from handovermeeting to hand over meeting via hand-over meeting and other varieties.
For me, 'hand over meeting' should be the correct way, but I'll leave that up to you.
Note added at 49 mins (2011-05-19 09:46:27 GMT)
I forgot - do not use 'acceptance meeting'. This is at another stage with another purpose.
Note added at 58 mins (2011-05-19 09:56:03 GMT)
When reading you question again, I find the context a bit strange. The described context looks more like a preparatory meeting in the Change Managment process (as referred to ITIL). A 'overleveringsmøte' would be normally take place at a stage where responsibility for a system/function/implemented change/whatever is transferred from the developer/vendor to the system owner.
Note added at 1 hr (2011-05-19 10:16:48 GMT)
I could suggest simply 'Møte for avklaring av endringsanmodninger'. If this is ITIL-related, it might have a specific name, but from my time with ITIL I can not remember having ever seen that.
Note added at 1 hr (2011-05-19 10:22:59 GMT)
Maybe the original author has been thinking along the lines of 'Handing over change requests', which can lead to the confusion and mixup with the real hand over process
For me, 'hand over meeting' should be the correct way, but I'll leave that up to you.
Note added at 49 mins (2011-05-19 09:46:27 GMT)
I forgot - do not use 'acceptance meeting'. This is at another stage with another purpose.
Note added at 58 mins (2011-05-19 09:56:03 GMT)
When reading you question again, I find the context a bit strange. The described context looks more like a preparatory meeting in the Change Managment process (as referred to ITIL). A 'overleveringsmøte' would be normally take place at a stage where responsibility for a system/function/implemented change/whatever is transferred from the developer/vendor to the system owner.
Note added at 1 hr (2011-05-19 10:16:48 GMT)
I could suggest simply 'Møte for avklaring av endringsanmodninger'. If this is ITIL-related, it might have a specific name, but from my time with ITIL I can not remember having ever seen that.
Note added at 1 hr (2011-05-19 10:22:59 GMT)
Maybe the original author has been thinking along the lines of 'Handing over change requests', which can lead to the confusion and mixup with the real hand over process
Note from asker:
Yes, I agree, Leif - but what would you normally call such a meeting in Norwegian ("overleveringsmøte" appears not to be the customary term in this context). |
Thanks, Leif. I'll bring this up with the client to clarify. I may close this question later, due to the atypical use of the term here. |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks, Leif"
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