Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

apropierea (de intrarea în vigoare)

English translation:

impending (implementation of the embargo)

Added to glossary by Alina Dohotaru
Aug 13, 2012 12:39
12 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Romanian term

apropierea (de intrarea în vigoare)

Romanian to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Pe de altă parte, la sfârşitul lunii iunie – începutul lunii iulie s-au evidenţiat mai mulţi factori în sensul creşterii preţului petrolului: apropierea de intrarea în vigoare a embargoului privind importul petrolului din Iran; tensiunile geopolitice în Orientul Mijlociu; grevele lucrătorilor din industria petrolieră din Norvegia.

Proposed translations

13 mins

impending (implementation of the embargo)

mai lung, the impending implementation of the embargo on Iranian crude oil imports

v. formularea din Wall St Journal
NEW YORK--Crude oil futures prices were higher Tuesday, with North Sea Brent firming on concerns over tightening supplies due to a strike in Norway and the impending Europe Union embargo on Iranian crude oil imports.
Peer comment(s):

agree Liviu-Lee Roth : și eu tot așa aș formula
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "mulrumesc"
1 hr

imminent entry into force of the embargo

Coming into force or entry into force (also called commencement) refers to the process by which legislation, regulations, treaties and other legal instruments come to have legal force and effect. The term is closely related to the date of this transition.
Example sentence:

Reported that between Iran and the six countries held in Moscow talks, the EU said they did not intend to delay the imminent entry into force of the oil embargo.

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